With the long Winter finally over, it’s time for vegetable planting in Vignamaggio’s organic vegetable garden, the Pomario, flanking the villa’s renaissance garden. Vignamaggio’s vegetable garden supplies the restaurant with vegetables and herbs, and perhaps most importantly, the tomatoes we find in so many summer dishes.

In fact, the Pomario can boast 5 varieties of tomato: cherry, ox heart, datterini and fiorentini.
This is also the time to plant melon, chard, aubergine, squash, cucumber and the herbs of course, especially lemon balm, basil, celery and parsley.

What will we harvest this season?
Asparagus remains the spring vegetable par excellence, followed by artichokes, onions and lettuce.
A stroll in early May and June will certainly provide the perfect opportunity for some cherry foraging. There are several wild cherries trees on the estate.

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