Between the end of June and the end of July, Vignamaggio’s gardens are a violet carpet of flowering lavender. This aromatic Mediterranean herb has been used since antiquity for its calming and soothing properties.

Whether from a fragrant bath, freshly laundered sheets or a rarely opened drawer, the smell of lavender evokes timeless memories and images.

Lavender was already enjoyed in relaxing baths by the Romans. Since then, due to the plant’s adaptability, it became ever more widespread throughout the Mediterranean, able to grow in dry soil, without any particular care.


Lavender is a woody perennial plant. Sprouts emerge from the base of the plant throughout the year, while the older stems dry out in winter.

The small violet or blue flowers form fragrant spears from June to September, filling your terrace or garden with their scent. If you prune the plant at the end of July, you will be rewarded with a second flowering in September.

If autumn temperatures are mild, the lavender flowers in our gardens often remain on the bushes until December.


An easy way of propagating lavender is by taking cuttings.


The mother plant must be at least one year old, and the cutting should be at least 10 cm long. Taking the cutting after flowering and pruning will increase the plant’s vigour.


The cut must be clean, without any damage that could cause infection. Dip the base of the cutting into rooting hormone to speed up the formation of roots. Then plant the cutting in a container containing soil and sand. Water and keep it sheltered during winter.
