In recent weeks, the entire estate has been focused on harvesting olives from an exceptional season: over 7,000 olive trees which, thanks to a hot and dry summer, are laden with green, plump fruits. A plentiful harvest of healthy olives with increasing yields, making for a satisfying collection that will conclude on December 8. THE […]
[:it]Orti & Giardini[:en]Garden & Vegetables[:]
Collecting Wildflowers on the estate: A Seasonal Journey

(Italiano) Essiccazione all’aria: È il metodo più semplice e naturale. Basta appendere le piante a testa in giù in una stanza calda, buia e arieggiata. Dopo aver raccolto le piante, rimuovete il maggior numero possibile di foglie dagli steli e legatele insieme in piccoli mazzi.
Vignamaggio Christmas Flag

Christmas is coming: the mantra that resounds at this time of year almost everywhere, from cities and the countryside, hills and autumn-coloured woods, to the Borgo. A lightweight iron support to make the flag’s supporting structure. A beautiful oak branch dotted with lichen, on which red sprigs of Cornus sanguinea are woven, to make the […]
The Artichokes Harvest

A sea of green, fragrant and bountiful: it is time to harvest our artichokes, starting with the large spring “mother” artichokes that we use for our artichoke paté. Between the end of April and throughout the month of May, the artichoke fields in the area, along the edges of gravel roads or leaning against dry […]

The mild temperatures have delayed a lot of the garden work and changed the growth habits of most of our plants. Our beloved bulbs in particular, needed a short cold spell after their hibernation phase between September and December, but have had to adapt to the milder climate during this period. Vignamaggio’s gardening team, guided […]

Roses have been a cultural tradition on the Italian peninsula since antiquity: in fact, we see them in the classic iconographic of the horti picti of Pompei. In later centuries, they are used architecturally and geometrically as espalier roses, and then become the uncontested feature of spaces dedicated to them: rose gardens. During the nineteenth […]

With Massimiliano’s help, we made some home-made vegetable garden labels, using only organic and recycled material. Labels for the garden make it easier to quickly identify the plant you are looking for, to mark the variety of squash you particularly liked the year before or to remind you, when you see those little leaves sprouting […]

A combination of drought-resistant flowers and plants arranged into a tenacious summer bouquet: Cristiano made this bouquet for us, using only the hardier plants on the estate, and inspired by the soft golden light of august afternoons. ACHILLE’S PLANT The Achillea is a European herb of which there are many varieties. The most abundant variety […]

(Italiano) Scopri tutto sulla lavanda con Francesca, responsabile dei giardini di Vignamaggio:la storia e le caratteristiche di questa profumata pianta mediterranea, ma anche qualche consiglio pratico sulla potatura e la riproduzione.

It’s time for spring-cleaning, and at Vignamaggio we begin in the gardens. We perform three simple but essential tasks to make sure our gardens are lush and healthy. Weeding Weeding by hand, rather than using a chemical weed killer, is better for a few different reasons. It keeps us fit, it doesn’t pollute the soil, […]