(Italiano) Essiccazione all’aria: È il metodo più semplice e naturale. Basta appendere le piante a testa in giù in una stanza calda, buia e arieggiata. Dopo aver raccolto le piante, rimuovete il maggior numero possibile di foglie dagli steli e legatele insieme in piccoli mazzi.
Garden & Vegetables
Vignamaggio Christmas Flag

Christmas is coming: the mantra that resounds at this time of year almost everywhere, from cities and the countryside, hills and autumn-coloured woods, to the Borgo. A lightweight iron support to make the flag’s supporting structure. A beautiful oak branch dotted with lichen, on which red sprigs of Cornus sanguinea are woven, to make the […]
The Artichokes Harvest

A sea of green, fragrant and bountiful: it is time to harvest our artichokes, starting with the large spring “mother” artichokes that we use for our artichoke paté. Between the end of April and throughout the month of May, the artichoke fields in the area, along the edges of gravel roads or leaning against dry […]

The mild temperatures have delayed a lot of the garden work and changed the growth habits of most of our plants. Our beloved bulbs in particular, needed a short cold spell after their hibernation phase between September and December, but have had to adapt to the milder climate during this period. Vignamaggio’s gardening team, guided […]

With Massimiliano’s help, we made some home-made vegetable garden labels, using only organic and recycled material. Labels for the garden make it easier to quickly identify the plant you are looking for, to mark the variety of squash you particularly liked the year before or to remind you, when you see those little leaves sprouting […]

A combination of drought-resistant flowers and plants arranged into a tenacious summer bouquet: Cristiano made this bouquet for us, using only the hardier plants on the estate, and inspired by the soft golden light of august afternoons. ACHILLE’S PLANT The Achillea is a European herb of which there are many varieties. The most abundant variety […]

The etymology of the name Rosemary is rather poetic, meaning SEA MIST, from the Latin ROS MARINUS. The Rosemary plant thrives in coastal areas, where it grows spontaneously and luxuriantly. Rosemary is an aromatic herb that reminds us of home, a corner of the vegetable garden, the aroma of lunch being prepared in the kitchen. […]

A bouquet garni is an assortment of aromatic herbs used to season meats, broths and sauces, enhancing the flavour and fragrance of any number of different dishes. It originates in Provence, but different versions are used throughout the Mediterranean basin. The main ingredients of the traditional bouquet garni are thyme and bay leaves, but there […]

On the occasion of this special day dedicated to the enamored, we thought we would learn a little about the language of Winter flowers. Decisions about the flowers we choose for someone are often entirely subjective and based on a memory, fragrance, shape or colour that pleases us. Yet certain flowers and plants often conceal […]

Today we went out with Francesca, manager of the Vignamaggio gardens, to explore the coolest part of the estate, in search of the petasites or butterbur, a perennial plant of the Asteracaea family. It is easy to come across these enormous herbaceous plants alongside Greve’s tributaries. They can be spotted by their huge hat-like leaves […]