“Botte grande vino piccolo. Botte piccola vino grande.” ‘Small barrels preserve the best wine’ – We asked ourselves if the best things do come in small packages after all. Is there any truth to this popular Italian proverb? We asked  Francesco, caretaker of Vignamaggio’s vines  and wines for the past 30 years. From barriques and […]


We could not be prouder of our CHIANTI RASPBERRIES. Vignamaggios’ organic fruit orchard project began in 2015 on uncultivated, sunny land on the Montagliari plains. Other than pomegranates, plums, figs, apricots, apples and pears, in the cooler Mulino del Piano section, we have planted berries, such as raspberries and blackberries as well as black, white […]